HLTA02H3 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 and Chapters 12-22 Book Notes
Document Summary
Part 1: the canadian health care system and the health status of canadians. The perspectives have profound influence on these areas, such as definition and etiology of health and illness, funding, organization and delivery of health services, research directions, and health policies and reforms. Bolaria examines the evolution and prevalence of the dominant paradigms in medicine and their implications with regard to etiology as well as treatment of health and illness. Bolaria notes that the mechanistic-individualistic clinical approach remains the dominant paradigm in medicine which attributes disease to the malfunctioning of the human body and the treatment focuses on surgical or chemical interventions to restore normal functioning. Individuals receive treatment outside of and abstracted from their normal social and material contexts. Similar reductionist approach blames illness on individual lifestyles, behaviour, and consumption patterns. Goal of health policy and health reforms is to improve the health status of the population. Chapter 1: sociology, medicine, health, and illness: an overview.