IDSB04H3 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 + 2

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Lecture 1 chapter 1 and 2: introduction to international health. Understand ih in context of power + influence: health/medicine culturally bound, domain of political and ideological struggles. Ih intertwined with economic concerns: circulation of goods and people (globalization, development j precursor to good health, industrialization or social. Understand ih in terms of interactions (interplay: epidemiology w/ politics and institutions, aid as form of negotiation. Figure 4. 2 political economic of international health framework. International health p5 j health coop b/w nations, agreements regarding health, issues that cross borders: colonial medicine and tropical medicine. Us institute of medicine definition of global health p6. World health j l get adapted so international health is used instead. Global public goods (ex: vaccines, food, air, water) Security: social unrest j act violent against authorities, bioterrorism j small pox, anthrax. Foreign policy interests j donor countries donate to poor countries. 12-15: dark skinned slaves j ideological hierarchy (white higher than black)

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