MGEA02H3 Chapter : Week 9 study guide
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Chapter 12 economic efficiency and public policy notes. N monopoly is not allocatively efficient because the monopolist"s price always exceeds its marginal cost. N one of the most important issues in public policy is whether, and under what circumstances, government action can increase the allocative efficiency of market outcomes. N natural monopoly an industry characterized by economies of scale sufficiently large that one firm can most efficiently supply the entire market demand. N crown corporations in canada, business concerns owned by the federal or provincial government. N marginal-cost pricing setting price equal to marginal cost so that buyers for the last unit are just willing to pay the amount that it costs to make that unit. N when a natural monopoly with falling average costs sets price equal to marginal cost, it will suffer losses. N competition policy policy designed to prohibit the acquisition and exercise of monopoly power by business firms.