MGTA01H3 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Notes

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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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N countries in europe, australia, new zealand, japan, south korea, kuwait, the uae, israel, singapore, and taiwan. Kong, while technically no longer an independent nation, also falls into this category: upper middle income countries are those with per capita income between us and us 065. This group includes, among others the czech republic, greece, hungary, poland, most countries comprising the former soviet bloc, Low middle income countries are those with per capita income between us and us . Among the countries in this group are colombia, guatemala, samoa, and thailand. Some of these, including china and india, have huge populations and are seen as potentially attractive markets for international business. Low income countries (often called developing countries) are those with annual per capita income of less than us . Due to low literacy rates, weak infrastructures, unstable governments, and related problems, these countries are less attractive to international business.