MGTA01H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3
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Canada is a market economy, meaning anyone my start a business. There are no fees; you do not need government permission. To start a new business you just begin. Textbook: 380 new businesses are started in canada every day! Textbook describes a small business as; owner-managed, with less than 100 employees. I t is impossible to know how many small business there are in canada, we can estimate (recent estimate is approximately 2. 4 million) In canada the total working population is: 15 million. Nearly 25% work in businesses with less than 5 others. Nearly 50% work in businesses with less than 50 others. I t is easy to start a business; however it is also easy for that business to fail. The theory describes three basic human motivations: need for power (n-pow): people who are "authority motivated". Examples; the professors oldest brother, cops, army, politicians: need for affiliation (n-aff): people who need friendly relationships, motivated by interaction with others.