MGTA02H3 Chapter 3: chapter 3 notes

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MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

N pressure to maintain better communications and information systems are increasing as competition intensifies and as organizations expand into global and e-business operations new electronic information technologies and more advanced data communication networks are meeting needs of such companies. N electronic information technologies (eit) is applications based on telecommunications technologies. Eits use networks of appliances or devices to communicate information by electronic means. N world wide web system with universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, displaying info on internet. N web servers dedicated workstations (large computers) that are customized for managing, maintaining, and supporting websites. N browser software that enables a user to access information on the web www. notesolution. com. New options for organizational design: the networked enterprise. N electronic networks allow businesses to offer customers greater variety and faster delivery services. N mass-customization producing volumes of products or services, but giving customers choice of features and options they want.