MGTA36H3 Chapter : Speaking Your Way To The Top

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29 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Chapter 5: persuasive presentations: speech planning worksheet. There are four options/styles to organizing your presentation. S proposition is stated at the beginning of a presentation and this lets your listeners know right up front what you want from them. S prove your proposition with 3 -5 points of evidence and an emotional appeal. S review the evidence and end with a strong closing statement. S first state a problem and then present a solution from your point of view. If the problem is complex, make sure you spend enough time detailing what the problem is. S after explaining problem clearly, offer your solution which has 3 -5 points and supporting material, a review, and a memorable closing statement. S start with a problem and then prove that it exists (similar to how problem to solution begins) S prove the problem exists, then establish the criteria to evaluate and select a solution.