MGTA36H3 Chapter 8: Speakikng Your Way To The Top - Chapter 8
Document Summary
Leave it up long enough for your audience to look it over before you begin talking about it. S stand so that the visual aid is to your left and point with your left hand (at the beginning of the sentence) S be comfortable working with the visual aids and equipment. Keep going if something goes wrong with the visual aids or equipment. S turn the machine off if necessary and proceed without any visual aids (visuals are aids for the audience, not you, so be prepared to present without them: types of visual aids. The type of visual aid you choose depends upon several variables. \ the type of presentation you will be giving. S a flipchart is a large pad of paper mounted on an easel and are best used in small, informal groups. S you can write as you speak or put your points on the flipchart in advance of the meeting.