PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes -American Psychiatric Association, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder

PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Medical model: using our understanding of medical conditions to think about psychological conditions. Abnormal psychology: the psychological study of mental illness. Maladaptive behaviour: behaviour that hinders a person"s ability to function in work, school, relationships or society; causes distress to self or others, impairs ability to function in day-to-day activities, increases risk of death, injury, legal problems. Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders (fourth edition): dsm-iv; the manual that establishes criteria for the diagnosis of mental disorders created by the. American psychiatric association; offers a set of clear guidelines for determining some. 350 mental disorders; includes 3 pieces of info: a set of symptoms, the etiology: origins or causes of symptoms, prognosis: how these symptoms will persist or change over time. Has limitations such as the incomplete agreement on how to classify many disorders and whether some conditions should be included or not.