PSYA02H3 Chapter : Intelligence.docx
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Intelligence: is a persons ability to learn and remember information, to recognize concepts and their relations and to aply the information to their own behaviour in a adaptive way. Any definition of intelligence depends on cultural judgements. Differential approach: favours the development of tests that identify and measure differences in peoples abilities ato solve problems, especially those that involve classroom skills. Tests our ability to define words, explain proverbs, solve arithmetic problems, discover similarities in shapes and patterns , and answer questions about the passage of prose. Developmental approach: studies the ways in which children learn to perceive , manipulate and think about the world. (jean piaget) Information processing approach : focuses on the types of skills people use to think and solve various types of problems. Differential approach: we can test the nature of intelligence by studying ways in which people differ on tests of such abilities. Tests that derive an iq score have been developed by psychologists.