PSYB32H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3 covered in week 3 of FALL 2010 semester
Document Summary
A disorder must be classified correctly before its causes or best treatments can be found; the. Dsm-iv is the official diagnostic system widely employed by mental health professionals. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm): a publication of the. American psychiatric association that is an attempt to delineate specific and discrete syndromes or mental disorders; it has been through several revisions and the current one is the 4th edition (dsm-iv) Early efforts @ classification: during 19th and early 20th cs, there was great inconsistency in the classification of abnormal behave. Development of the who and dsm systems: in 1939, the who added mental disorders to the international list of causes of death; in 1948 the list expanded to become the. International statistical classification of disease, injuries, and causes of death, a comprehensive listing of all diseases, including a classification of abnormal behav; but the mental disorders section was not widely accepted.