PSYB65H3 Chapter 14: PSYB65 - Chapter 14 - Sep 20-Oct 4, 2010

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Tumor: mass of new and abnormal tissue that is not physiologically beneficial to its surrounding structure. describe tumors as space-occupying lesions (= they are foreign objects that cause damage to the central nervous system (cns) by putting pressure on it and occupying space that is normally occupied by the cns. 4 major types of brain tumors: those that originate from glial cells, the meninges, nervous tissue, or other parts of the body already infected with a tumor. Tumors arising from glial cells (most common type) Gliomas - tumors that arise from glial cells. Tend not to grow very quickly grow quickly. Some astrocytomas are relatively well encapsulated, so the damage that they cause tends to come from compression of the surrounding tissues. Slow-growing benign tumors can be extremely dangerous if they start to grow in relatively inaccessible locations. When surgical treatment is not practical, chemotherapy is typically used (also called a primitive neuroectodermal tumor)

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