PSYC12H3 Chapter 1-5: Chapters 1-5
Document Summary
Chapter 1: introduction to the study of stereotyping and. Prejudice: groups are not unique to humans. [wars: some believe that there is a huge decline in prejudice and stereotyping in the. Us, but it"s just that overt expressions of racial prejudice and intergroup hatred have declined dramatically, racial prejudice and stereotypes have by no means disappeared. He said that we all have pictures in our heads (p. 3) of the world outside and that their representations are more likely templates into which we try to simplify the sometimes-confusing information we receive from the world. Stereotyping was seen as an outward indicator of irrational, no analytic cognition. An example of rigid thinking: allport: a stereotype is an exaggerated belief associated with a category. Schemas are therefore broader cognitive structures that contain our knowledge of a stimulus, our expectations for the motives or behaviour of the stimulus (if a living being) and our feelings toward the stimulus.