PSYC39H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Polygraph, Sick Role, Factitious Disorder
Document Summary
Chapter 4 deception: physiological measures have been used in an attempt to detect deception. For example the chinese forced suspects to chew on dry rice powder and then spit it out. In canada, polygraphs are often used by the police to help in their criminal investigations. Some questions are designed to elicit a larger physiological response in guilty individuals than in those who are innocent: there are 3 main types of polygraph tests: relevant/irrelevant test, control question. Test (cqt), and guilty knowledge test (gkt: the relevant/irrelevant test was first developed in 1917 by william. Marston and later refined by john larson for use in criminal investigations. It includes two types of questions relevant questions concerning the crime, and irrelevant questions that are unrelated to the crime www. notesolution. com. major problem with this test is that nearly everyone responds more to the relevant questions than to the irrelevant questions.