PSYC62H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Tricyclic Antidepressant, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, Monoamine Oxidase
Document Summary
Chapter 13: treatments for depression and bipolar disorder. Mental disorder: impairment in normal, behavioural or cognitive functioning. Alzheimer"s diseases derives from clear deterioration from brain tissue. Major depressive disorder is characterized by at least five depressive symptoms that last 2 weeks or longer. These symptoms include a depressed mood, lack of interest or pleasure in most activities, change in body weight, change in sleep patterns, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, difficulties in thinking or in concentrating, and recurrent thoughts of death. Dysthymic disorder (milder version) consists of a depressed mood that occurs nearly everyday for 2 years. In addition, they must have at least two symptoms for depression. Nonspecific descriptions may be used for some symptoms of depression, such as hunger and sleep. For example, an individual may sleep most of the day or suffer long bouts of insomnia. Major depression with psychotic features is characterized by the presence of depression, hallucinations, and delusions related to depressed mood and negative thoughts.