SOCA02H3 Chapter 9: Textbook Notes-Chapter 9
Document Summary
The creation of a global village: the world today seems a lot smaller than 25 years ago, seems like now we"re creating a global village . It"s a lot more convenient to travel around the world today comparing to before, the availability of internet, credit card usage, banks, etc made it possible. The triumphs and tragedies of globalization: globalization makes lives a lot easier comparing to 25 years ago. Now everyone"s connected through internet, global trade increased by 2115 percent since 1982, all these good things are brought by globalization: however, globalization seems to make the world a more unequal place for us to live in. The distribution of wealth is very unequal between the rich and the poor, and between different countries. Also, globalization is some anti-globalization activists view is becoming imperialism (economic domination of one country by another).