SOCA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Social Stratification, Neoliberalism, Dependency Theory

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International telecommunication has become easier and inexpensive (i. e. skype or facetime are free!: between 1982-2008 the population has increased by 47% and so has the number of international tourists by 2583% It is also hurting (eroding) local cultures and the natural environment. A world like the united states: globalization homogenizes societies i. e. economic financial institutions, an expression for the homogenizing effects of globalization is mcdonaldization, which is a form of rationalization. It refers to the spread of principles of fast-food restaurants efficiency, predictability, and calculability to all spheres of life. Some anti-globalization movements are violent, and some are non-violent. Some reject only what they regard as the excesses of globalization, others reject globalization in its entirety: this complexity supports our view that globalization is not a simple process with predictable consequences it is unclear! Sociological discussion of economic development by examining trends in levels of global inequality.

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