SOCB50H3 Chapter : Article 7 Detailed Notes - The Eugenics Society of Canada
Document Summary
British columbia and alberta passed legislation for the sterilization of the feeble-minded and its supervision by boards of eugenics. Progressive, middle-class professionals who were interested in a variety of social reforms. 1930 the eugenics society of canada biological taint was the single most important cause of the nation"s social problems. The tardiness of ontario in employing eugenic measures. Feeble-mindedness was difficult to define, it was easy to recognize. Macmurchy feeble-mindedness to refer to the higher-class mentally retarded who could be mistaken for the normal. They did not have the physical stigmata of the moron or imbecile and so could even fool the ordinary physicians. Social failure was the clearest indication of mental deficiency. Solution was to round up all these individuals and subject them to custodial care. In 1911 special classes; 1914 auxiliary classes for the purposes of removing mental defective from the normal school system. Register on which would be inscribed the names of all the city"s mental defectives.