BIO120H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Endogenous Retrovirus, Vestigiality, Pseudogene

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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In medieval europe before paper, parchment or thin animal skin was used for books. So people would scrape the wriing of old books and write new stuf on it. This is how we learn about the ancient world, from deciphering the stratum of sheets to see the original text. Clues in the bodies of organisms tell us about their ancestors. Atavisms- reappearance of ancestral gene/trait (genes that were silenced are expressed) Also geneically tell us reveal genes of ancestors. But they oten imes get evolve new funcions and aren"t always useless. Vesigial is not that its funcionless but that it no longer performs the funcion for which it evolved originaly. Who knows maybe for some birds like those on islands, is the lack of predators, or if food is readily available on the ground. Reduced wings are s reproducive advantage, also they are injured less oten cuz they"re small.