GGR107H1 Chapter Notes -Feedlot

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People do not necessarily need meat but we eat it. Wealth and global commerce have increased in our consumption of meat, milk, eggs and fish. 5. 5. 2 high consumption has led to feedlot agriculture. In traditional agriculture livestock were allowed to graze the grassland. Feedlots/concentrated animal feeding operations (cafos): are hugely designed lots that allow many of animals to live. However there is a lot of waste produced by the animals in feedlots. It could lead to an outbreak in disease. Crowded conditions can lead to the bird flu or mad cow disease. 5. 5. 3 our food choices are also energy choices. We choice certain foods that have energy impacts on the environment. Eating meat requires more energy than eating fruits and vegetables. Scientists have calculated the amount of energy required for food to be made. Growth of meat requires the consumption of plants. Wild fish populations have decreased and now we raise them on farms.

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