POL208Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 22: Peaceful Nuclear Explosion, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Missile Technology Control Regime

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Chapter 22: nuclear proliferation: only five states [china, france, russia, united kingdom and united sates] are recognized by the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear. co-operative threat reduction program and agreements like that multilateral npt and bilateral strategic arms reduction treaties (start) [us and russia: thesis nuclear power should be welcomed not feared. will increase stability just as the threat of nuclear weapons did in the. it is a product of they by-gone first nuclear age. is not suited to the demands of the potentially more dangerous second nuclear age. unable to alleviate the security dilemma that many states confront: is npt a non-proliferation measure for preventing additional nuclear armed states emerging or a means for achieving nuclear disarmament, future global security environment. Nature of nuclear weapons and their effects: technical basis of nuclear weapons. the route for any state seeking nuclear weapons would be via the acquisition of the necessary technological infrastructure.

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