PSY230H1 Chapter Notes -Genetic Epistemology, Feedback, Behaviorism
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1) constructionism - the evolutionary rationalism of jean piaget (p. 665-708) Focus on study of normality and of the workings of the intellect to tricks of the unconscious. Impressed by the idea of organisms that exist in nature are living beings in a constant state of change, a creative motion which is just as much a part of their total being as the part-structures that evolve . Focus mind on body, not as a direct physical matter, but as a developmental patterning over and beyond physical structures to achieve reliability and reproducibility of rational thought. Highest form of rationality logic/math = virtual end points of a lifelong evolutionary process reproduced in the thinking of every person. Genetic assimilation animals have chose to change environmental locations, not because of any living consequences of needing to migrate: organism interacting with its environment to bring our changes = important. Influenced by physical (hereditary) genesis, but also by cognitive (behavioral) genesis.