PSY240H1 Chapter : CH2 Textbook Notes
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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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Theory: a set of ideas that provide a framework for asking questions about a phenomenon, as well as gathering and interpreting information about that phenomenon. Albert ellis suffered a fear of public speaking. He believed his fears were due to irrational beliefs. Other theories would suggest alternative causes of his fears. Biological approach would suggest his symptoms were caused by a biological factor e. g. genetic vulnerability to anxiety. Psychological approach suggests symptoms are rooted in psychological factors e. g. belief system, early childhood experiences. Social approach would look at his interpersonal relations and social environment. Most theories over history searched for one factor that causes people to develop a disorder. Contemporary theorists recognize that there are often many pathways that lead to the development of a specific disorder. Vulnerability stress model: a person must carry a vulnerability to the disorder in order to develop it. It can be biological (genetic predisposition), psychological (personality trait), social factor (poor interpersonal relationships)