Management and Organizational Studies 3322F/G Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Integrated Marketing Communications, Direct Response Television, Engagement Marketing

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Organizations rarely employ all components at one time, they select and use those that are deemed appropriate for the situation. Integrating marketing communications fosters a cooperative approach to communication planning, presents a unified message, and creates a higher level of impact on the target audience. B direct response communications: direct response communications involve the delivery of a message to a target audience of one person, the message can be distributed by direct mail, direct response television, mobile communications, or telemarketing. C digital (interactive) communications: digital (interactive) communications are commercial messages for an organization placed on the internet, a cell phone, or other personal electronic device, a fast-growing type of marketing communication. Imperative that consumer promotion strategies are aligned effectively with advertising programs and that trade promotions are aligned effectively with personal selling programs: public relations are primarily directed toward gaining public understanding and.