Psychology 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Neuroglia, Myelin, Axon Terminal
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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Basic building blocks of the nervous system. Each neuron has three main parts: the cell body, dendrites, and axons. The cell body or soma contains the biochemical structures needed to keep the neuron alive, and its nucleolus carries the genetic information that determines how the cell develops and functions. Emerging from the cell body are branchlike fibers called dendrites. These specialized receiving units are like antennas that collect messages from neighbouring neurons and send them on the cell body. Dendrites can receive information from 1000 or more neighbouring cells. Extending from one side of the cell body is a single axon. An axon conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, and glands. The axon branches out at the end to form a number of axon terminals. Axons may connect with dendric branches from numerous neurons making it possible for a single neuron to pass messages to as many as 50 000 other neurons.