Psychology 2035A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Social Influence, Confirmation Bias, Verbal Behavior
Document Summary
Person perception: the process of forming impressions of others. Five key sources of observational information - used to form impressions: Snap judgements: those made quickly based on only a few bits of information and preconceived notions - may not therefore be particularly accurate. Systematic judgements: take time to observe the person in a variety of situations and compare that person"s behavior with that of others in similar situations. Attributions: inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior, other"s behavior, and events. Having a bad experience with someone named evan and meeting someone with that same name in the future and tying an initial negative reaction to them making it harder to warm up to them. Confirmation bias: tendency to seek information that supports one"s beliefs while not pursuing disconfirming information. Self-fulfilling prophecy: occurs when expectations about a person cause him or her to behave in ways that confirm the expectations.