Psychology 2035A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Hazel Rose Markus, Social Comparison Theory, Leon Festinger

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Self-concept: a collection of beliefs about one"s own basic nature, unique qualities, and typical behavior. Self-schemas: beliefs about your personality; things that come to mind when you think of yourself; the way you illustrate yourself. Possible selves: one"s conceptions about the kind of person one might become in the future. Hazel markus - possible selves are developed from past experiences, current behavior, and future expectations. Self-discrepancy: consists of a mismatch between the self-perceptions that make up the actual self, ideal self, and ought self. Actual self - qualities you believe you actually possess. Ideal self - characteristics you would like to have. Ought self - traits you believe you should possess. Certain types of self-discrepancies are associated with specific emotions. When actual/ideal discrepancies outnumber actual/ideal congruencies - sadness increases and cheerfulness decreases. Sadness over the qualities you do have vs. those you"d like to have. When actual/ought discrepancies outnumber actual/ought congruencies - anxiety increases and calm emotions decrease.

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