Sociology 2172A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Media Planning

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Research/account planning - is information that enables advertisers to understand what consumers think about their products. Creative - using information create advertising concepts. Media - planning where it should go. Ethnographic"s - researchers immerse themselves in the homes of consumers. Also done with interview and focus groups. Corporate - targeting to wall street investors. Advertising - a form communication used to persuade people to buy. Marketing - coordinated strategy to engender desire within consumers for a particular brand by managing the relationship between the consumer and the brand. 4 elements - product, price, place, promotion - 4ps/marketing mix. Public relations - concerned with managing the reputation of a company, a brand or a person - positively affect perceptions among key stake holders. Advertising is paid for - pr is not. Pr deals with controlled media and uncontrolled media . Controlled media - tools like annual reports, industrial ls or staged events.