SOCI 1P80 Lecture Notes - Margaret Mead, Couvade, Masculinity
Document Summary
They were interested in whether gender based oppression was universal. They were also interested in whether or not there were more equal societies. In the 1970"s anthropologists were mostly men, there wasn"t a lot for women to find. 1930"s margaret mead: became a public figure within anthropology and most of her work focusing on gender issues. She looked at the variety of masculinities and femininities in culture. She also looked at political problems, parenting roles, and sexual roles between women and men in different cultures. The work that started to explode in the 70"s said that there needed to be a distinction between sex=biological markers and gender=culturally constructed and learned behaviors and ideas. Foragers in central africa intimate fathers : was able to look at the time the fathers spent with young infants, which was a lot of time. Shows us how biological roles are variously understood/organized.