CLCV 2500 Lecture 23: Class 23 (Rome)
Document Summary
Roman side: rome was founded in 753 bce, but that is entirely mythological, the roman myth about the foundation places it at this time. Rome was not much more than a city state. It"s o(cid:374)l(cid:455) deep i(cid:374)to the helle(cid:374)isti(cid:272) period did ro(cid:373)e (cid:272)o(cid:374)trol (cid:373)ost of ital(cid:455): carthagi(cid:374)ia(cid:374)s (cid:449)ere i(cid:374) the (cid:449)a(cid:455) of ro(cid:373)e"s e(cid:454)pa(cid:374)sio(cid:374), 218 was the start of the 2nd punic war between carthage and rome. In the first punic war in 264, the romans gained islands and sicily from the. It was the first time that romans had to build a navy: the second punic war was 17-18 years, the carthaginians were led by hannibal barca. France, the alps, into italy (rampaged there for 10 years), destroyed 3 separate. Mediterranean: by 117 the romans control a lot of territory. Roman foundation myths: myths including the origins, the stories that the romans told themselves about where they came from.