MICI 4218 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Hiv, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus

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Mici 4218 lecture 26 march 18, 2021 bloodborne viruses: hiv, hcv, hbv. Intravenous drug use (ivdu: exposure to sharps (hcw, tattoos, snorting drugs also a risk from nosebleeds, vertical, others (rare, blood transfusions before 1992 now all blood products are screened, contaminated medical equipment (ex. Bloodborne pathogens (viral: select pathogens covered in this lecture, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv, hepatitis c (hcv, hepatitis b (hbv) Hiv genotypes: group m, subtype b is the dominant hiv-1 subtype in the americas, greatest diversity and prevalence are found in africa where the hiv-1 epidemic was thought to have originated, distribution is changing over time. Global distribution of hiv: >50 million infected with hiv = 1/100 sexually active adults, 7 million new infections per year, 3 million deaths per year, 2/3 cases in sub-saharan africa (prevalence = 1/13 people) With primary hiv infection, there would be an initial dip in the cd4 t cell count, which would then stabilize for years and decline over time.

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