PHIL 4120 Lecture Notes - Salva Veritate, Logical Truth, Empiricism
102 views4 pages
15 Nov 2011
Document Summary
W. v quine two dogmas of empiricism, on what there is [trained as a lp] Grice, strawson in defense of a dogma. Responding to the lp tradition every meaningful sentence is a truth of def. , or a sentence that can be true of false through observation of the world. Theoretical sentences (ex. electrons) can be defined through other things you can observe. Logical truth of empirical truth direct empirical truth or definable in terms of empirical truths. Could be such because of definitions, rules of language, subject terms of sentences, etc. Method is a priori (truth or false in advance of) True contingently, could be false in diff. circumstances. All you had to know if the meaning of the terms in them. Thought to be such because given their meanings they said they could be true in some situations and false in others.
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