CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Orthorexia Nervosa, Bran, Dietary Fiber

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Pomegranates have anticancer properties: have compounds called aromatase inhibitors. Apricot pits contain a compound that releases cyanide, which can preferentially kill cancer cells. Brown eggs are not more nutritious than white eggs (assuming they are not labeled omega 3). The difference in appearance is an indicator of the colour of the feathers and ear lobes of the hen. Frozen veggies are picked and processed at their peak ripeness when they are most nutrient packed (while fresh ones are picked under ripe for shipping). Coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the north american diet; despite the fact that other foods contain more antioxidants, north americans consume significantly more coffee. Laterile: miracle product made from apricot pits promoted as a cancer remedy. Hippocrates: let thy food be thy medicine. (link between what you eat and your health. ) Suggested flax is great for intestines (true, it has strong laxative effect. )