CHEM 181 Lecture 8: Lecture 8 - Topic 2

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Lewis caroll wrote the walrus and the carpenter (talking about being fact) People are overweight and a v bvre sedentary which could cause heart disease. Our weight is going up, but how much it is going up is not what is happening in reality (people"s judgement is not accurate about in terms of what we should weigh) Hippocrates said if you were concerned about your weight, you should do hard work before eating. Dr. robert atkins was a big proponent of the low carb diet. Think of something that you like to eat, or moisten cotton with orange juice and swallow it. Chew on ice, melting ice requires energy and therefore you will lose calories (but not significant) Obesity is linked with heart disease, stroke, hypertension, some types of cancer and diabetes. Bmi (body mass index) = weight (kg) / height (m2) If the number is more than 30, then you are obese.