CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Theobroma Cacao, Dimethyl Sulfide, Phenylacetic Acid

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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30% of men and 38% of women prefer chocolate to sex. As soon as you put chocolate in your mouth it starts to melt. Aztech (mexico) used cacao drinks to satisfy the gods. Preparation based on cacao and make it into a drink. Offer it in gold goblets that could only be used once. Had to be mixed with vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon. Cocoa or chocolate has had many uses over the centuries. Select all that were discussed in the video segment discussed in the video segment. Grows throughout branches, not just at the extremities. Sugar -> alcohol -> acetic acid -> esters. Very important process because it adds flavour to the cocoa. Cocoa seeds left to dry in the sun. Chemical reaction hat involves the reaction between amino acids and protein and various sugars. Seeds are left to dry in the sun and then roasted (enhancing flavour) Seeds are shelled and then crushed into ground nibs.