CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Magnesium Sulfate, Sea Salt, Salt

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Great variety of solvable minerals in the water. 3. 8: deviation from nj because a) little amounts of freshwater flow out of the. Galapagos islands and b) the temperature is warm all year round, therefore, the salt concentration is higher. The percentage of salt materials in the dead sea runs around ~32%, but varies by time of the year. Anions: bicarb, so42-, cl: many combinations of these in nature. Ca(hco3)2 caco3 + co2 + h2o: spontaneous. Atomic number is defined by the # protons in the nucleus and # electrons in the shell: e. g. Na consistency of hard butter strong chemical reactivity: we are talking about na+ Na+ in h2o causes fire: na + 2h2o naoh + h2: elemental h2 is combustible. Br2 (l) + 2k (l) explosion! Topic 3: k sits within hydrocarbon solvent because if it were to be in any polar solution, it will spontaneously decompose, put k into the br explosion immediately.