CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Shoppers Drug Mart, Morpholine

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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In halifax, there was even a billboard stating that the shoppers drug mart made their own flavoured water with no sodium, preservatives, nor scientists! We tend to think that scientists are the bad guys, when really, they are the ones responsible for keeping the food on the shelves and maintaining their safety. There are different kinds of wax with various uses (e. g. carnauba wax: to allow the wax to work, an additional chemical is added: morpholine. Preservatives like wax are not only limited to fruits, they can also be found in a variety of vegetables i. e. : there are nitrates present in vegetables, that when mixed together with amines, may form nitrosamines (potentially carcinogenic) In canada, we have the canadian food inspection agency (cfia) and in the us, it"s known as the. Lead acetate: back in the day, wine was fortified with this to make it sweeter.