CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lactose Intolerance, Coeliac Disease, Aldicarb

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Fertilizer has e coli: cantaloupes, unpasteurized apple juice. Shellfish poisoning: norwalk virus can live outside the body for some time. Perceived risks: salem, new jersey shunned tomatoes in the 1820s, believed that they were toxic. Real risks: today"s food supply is closely regulated and agencies look after our welfare. Unintentional toxins anything: just because a chemical is present doesn"t mean it"s doing, pesticide residues are present in trivial measures, people overestimate rare risks, people underestimate common risks, aldicarb. Boy ate half a cucumber and got evry sick. Farmer who had used aldicarb had not diluted the. Aldicarb causes wriggling feeling under the skin like pesticide properly worms. Aldicarb is a cholinesterase inhibitor: company picnic lead to 14 people falling ill. Pepper in the salad was actually aldicarb: mercury. Burning coal produces mercury, goes into air and then water. Converts to methylmercury found in fish. Stay away from swordfish, tuna (predator fish) Found in fish that is not properly preserved.