CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Pressure Ulcer, Respiratory Tract, Linus Pauling

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Vitamins are nutrients needed in small amounts. Orthomolecular medicine: don"t believe in small amounts and they think vitamins can cure or prevent any other diseases. Vitamin c: say you need the optimum amount which is 10,000mg. Vitamin c doesn"t prevent or cure the cold, reduces the severity of the common cold. Humans do not make our own vitamin c. There is an association between vitamin c and heart disease (increased intake of vitamin. C, decrease in heart disease) not a causative. Cholesterol: good: hdl, bad: ldl, worst: oxidized ldl (for plaque to form in the artery the cholesterol needs to be this kind) Vitamin c and cancer: converts nitrites into nitrosamines, converted into a cancer causing species, vitamin c prevents nitrites from becoming nitrosamines. Cataracts and vitamin c and slowly aging (connection?) Vitamin c prevents bed sore (made of collagen), bed sores occur from a break down of collagen, but taking this supplement prevents these.