CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Health Canada, Red Wine, Wright Brothers

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Something that is natural does not necessarily equate to safe, and synthetic certainly does not equal to danger. It"s all a question of what we know about the substance, not its origin. We are what we eat and we are what we read. Fruit of tree of knowledge=pomegranate; we think it is cause artists depicted the apple. artists didn"t know they only knew apple. pomegrenate prized since biblical era. In the bible they don"t say apple, only says fruit. Apple not found in that area, pomegrenate yes. Pomegranate anti-cancer properties: -natural aromatase inhibitors (in the lab, the multiplication of cultures breast cancer cells is reduced when bathed in pomegrenate juice). But no true birth certificates etc= make causality out of a correlation. Laetrile does not have an effect on cancer. Steve mcqueen used it when he had lung cancer. Books published ex blow up apricots to the answer to cancer.