CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Olive Oil, Valine, Hydrogenation

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Fats & oils has gone up substantially from 1990s to now. Caloric sweeteners down, non-caloric sweeteners have replaced them. Notre there is more food available in north america overall,and its being amply engaged. 500g, more than 1 pound (compared to first table depicted) Not sources of carbs: roasted chiken, pork chops, yellow fin tuna & olive oil. Implies the notion of being soluble in water = like dissolves like. C12(h2o)11 hence carbo(hydrate) can have a variety of carbohydrates. ex; c6(h2o)6. Sucrose in terms of its heat delivery system, is worth 4cal/g of material (same as proteins) (linked by an oxygen atom) Use the chemical formula for sucrose (shown below) to frame your response. Carbo comes from the carbon (c12) part of the chemical formula and hydrate comes from the water (h2o) part of the chemical formula. Glucose is oxidized into energy (water, co2 and energy) Then add the oh groups to create glucose.