CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Aldicarb, Macular Degeneration, Apple Juice

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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No harm to beef but when butchered they can contaminate the meat. Cooked is safe but beef tartare, there are concerns. E. coli also can lurk in spinach, cantaloupes; fertilized with manure, with e. coli. Bottles garlic stored under oil can have botulin. Bottles carrot juice: toxic carrot juice paralyzes 2 in toronto . Norovirus on ships: causes gastroenteritis which is inflammation of stomach and csmall intestines. It lives on surface of things so just touching cutely you can contract the virus. Robert gibbon johnson went to europe and saw them eat tomatoes and prosper. America, where they were not eaten because they were believed to be toxic. same family, they assumed tomatoes were toxic too. He introduced the tomato eating; put an ad saying he would proceed to eating in front of the salem courthouse on a sunday afternoon tomato, in front of an audience. the fruit is well.