CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Mohammed Omar, Poppy Seed, Sodium Thiopental

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27 Oct 2016
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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Types of anesthetics: preanesthetic medication: block secretions (atropine), narcotics (demerol), sedatives (valium or barbiturates), iv anesthetics: usually vapour or gases. Includes thiopental sodium and fentanyl: fentanyl: sometimes used as a street drug. Used by chechen rebels to evacuate people from a theatre: introduced it into the ventilation system: many died. This compound in 100x more potent than morphine and has about double the half life: halothane and enflurane are gaseous anesthetics that interfere with neuro signalling. They usually contain f and/or cl: propofol: killed mj. Similar structure to thymol (both have phenol groups), but both however have completely different properties. Bht, again, a very similar structure to propofol, has vastly different properties than the latter. Should travel to india because this shit is legal there. Exudate from the poppy plant gives us morphine, which is about 10% of the plant.