CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Emily Dickinson, Thebaine, Morphine

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Measured through scale of 10 point scale (most hospitals use) Think of pain as a disease of themselves: spinal cord rewires itself when there is pain, paint can become permanent . Arthritis seems to be the leading issue for older people: #1 $ spent on drugs. Congenital analgesia: where people do not experience pain, sometimes have sensory touch, no temperature sensory; can"t feel hot temperature. History of pain and ways it was relieved: a lot of people who experience pain tend to express them a lot such as poets, francis thompson (late 1800s, emily dickinson. Pain/anesthetics: opium -> morphine + acetic acid (vinegar) = heroin, there was not a lot of opium/morphine available back then, opium wars (mid 1800s) British made war with china because porcelain, tea, and silk were being exported out of china but didn"t want to take the british goods. Britain forced in opium from india to balance the trade: thomas decquincey (early/mid 1800s)