GEOL 106 Lecture Notes - Yogi Berra, Water Chlorination, Chlorine

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Hazard city: for now, peruse the map reading exercise, introduction, basic map reading, reading topographic maps, plateau map, (nothing has to be handed in) Global newspaper: first assignment will be on earthquakes, details given later, quake does limited damage yesterday jan 18, in pakistan with a magnitude of 7. 2. Scenario: shen-shu in chine 1556 killed 830,000, indonesia 2004 killed 250,000, haiti 2010 killed 175,00, the government of ontario proposes to build a nuclear. Reactor on the shore of lake ontario near kingston: our task: carry out a risk analysis and risk. Management study for the government, focused on seismic. Generic approach to risk analysis and risk management. Avalanche snow and steep slope: 2. Determine the risk from the hazard for the region of interest: risk = ph x sh. Determine ways to reduce ph and/or sh: ex. For an avalanche hazard in a given region, how can we reduce sh (severity of consequences of the hazard happens).

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