SMO310 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Employee Engagement, Human Capital, Organizational Structure

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The strategy is how the firm aims to realize its mission and vision. Goals and objectives are indicators of how well the strategy is succeeding. Mission statement: communicates the oraganizations reason for being and how it aims to serve its key stakeholders. Values: beliefs of an individual or group in which one is emotionally invested. Vision statement: future oriented declaration of organizations purpose and aspirations. Values statement: reaffirms or states outrightthe organizations values that might not be eviden in mission or vision statement. Mission and vision statements play three roles: communicate the purpose of organization to stakeholders, inform strategy development, develop measurable goals and objectives to gauge success. Organizational design: formal, guided process for integrating people, information and technology in an organization should reflect and support the strategy culture is difficult to change. Social networks; individuals or organizations connected by one or more specific types of interdependency.

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