BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Zygote, Mitosis, Gamete

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Ciliates are some complex forms due to their cilia. Can be modi ed to assist with feeding [cilia line the gullet drawing food in and separating particulate food and putting it in food vacuole] It is not a mouth it is called a cytostome. Food vacuole contains digestive lysosomes that digests the particulate food. There is cytoplasmic streaming happening [using dyenin and kinesin motors] this to ensure constant streaming of cytoplasm to ensure that all cytoplasm is given nutrients that are digested [thus creating a type of circulatory system] Ciliate can only absorb food around the cytosine. Phagocytosis: engulf particulate matter that is not dissolved in solution thus have to take it in and try and dissolve it. Saying it is cell drinking is inadequate. Don"t have to have a large vesicle forming to ingest it because it is already dissolved in solution. Micronucleus is diploid while the macronucleus is polyploid.