BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Threonine, Lysine, Plasmid

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Key questions unit 3 (cid:1006)8. (cid:862)if i have seen further than others, it is by standing up on the shoulders of giants. (cid:863) isaac. This quote by isaac newton addresses the nature of scientific inquiry and suggests that the new science discoveries are built upon the previous work of other scientists: describe the watson and crick model of dna. Levene - was a biochemist who analyzed dna and found that it contained adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine, deoxyribose, and a phosphate group: what chemical features of dna and protein permitted hershey and chase to prove that. Protein contains sulfur but very little phosphorus while dna contains phosphorus but very little sulfur, so hershey and. When they injected the bacteriophages with sulfur, it did not show the genetic material as a protein. But when they injected the bacteriophages with phosphorus, they obtained a reaction called radioactivity from the organism. So our genetic material is considered dna (deoxyribosenucleicacid).