SOC384H5 Lecture : Lecture 1

60 views6 pages
10 Jan 2011

Document Summary

lectures will elaborate on central issues/concepts of readings. the purpose of the lecture is to help understand the readings. two short papers (750 words each 3 pages) m/c, short answer (definition and explanation), 2 short paragraph. you need to email for lateness, no longer then one week after the lateness. you need 2 documents in order to have an extension. you need to declare absence on rosi and a valid 3rd party documentation. make-up tests are done one week after the original test. five percent per day (waived if proper documentation is provided) assignments are to be submitted on blackboard; along with a hardcopy. How do we decide when to stop producing: content the content element occurs after the production. -- we need to figure out what type of content is produced ( is it propaganda, news, soap opera, entertainment, sports, ect. ) people who like a certain mass media, will recommend, and.

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