ANTA02H3 Lecture : Structure vs. Agency
Document Summary
Lecture eight: structure vs. agency march 22, 2011. Key terms: race as plural, race as culturally constructed, agency, structure, durkheim, structural victimization, street culture as opposition to marginalization, agency as destructive/reinforcing structure. Race and racism: modes of exclusion, inferiorization, subordination, exploitation, present specific and different characters in different social and historical contexts, racism is different based on place and time, but still retain common themes. In search of respect: role of gender, race, class, struggle against racism results in personal choices that reinforce that racism o. Agency vs. structure act based on intention (must have alternatives) institutions, ideologies, etc. Agency: power of individual to choose what to do and how to. Structure: larger forces such as politics, economic status, Structure: social identity of individuals: more than one "part" as they are dependant on relationships (ie. daughter, employee, ethnic group, etc. ) o.